Tuesday 13 May 2014


               This is a diagram of a flower.Our team thought that we 
                could paint a diagram of a flower on one of the walls
                of our outdoor classroom.

Monday 12 May 2014

Our Experiments!


                Today Mr.Curtin picked seven people to do some experiments!
                We did them to find out what  would make a plant grow faster.
                We did two experiments one, where we put cut up pieces of a banana
                skin and put them in the soil.The second experiment was when we 
                mixed hydro-gel with soil!


                First we got a clean nappy and filled it to the brim with water.
                Once we had filled it up we then tore it apart to get to the hydro-gel 
                inside.We then scooped it up and put it into to bowls.when we had taken every 
                piece of hydro-gel out Nicole and Eve carried it down to the staff room 
                and  placed it into the fridge . 

                When the hydro-gel was ready Mr.Curtin picked seven people to 
                 carry out the experiments. Once he had picked the seven he then 
                 put us in groups of two and a group of three . He gave each group two 
                 plant pots  in one we put the hydro-gel and soil with of coarse the seeds!
                 In the other we put cut up pieces of a banana peel on the sides  of the 
                pot . 
                 We then left them on the windowsill of an emty room .
                 Now the only thing left to do is to wait and see!


The spy bush

                                                 Spy Bush

Killa Gnome
                                Yoda Gnome     http://yakfaceforums.com/main/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/DIY_Yodasm.jpg